Reincarnation also known as Rebirth is the idea that when a living being dies, its soul or essence only leaves its body to find another body, a new body. The soul is the main thing in the body and it does not age, does not dissolve, it lives on. In short the soul is immortal. It is belived that death is the ending for the physical body not the ending of the soul. Death means soul changing body, because every living body is mortal, so they have an expiration date.

I am not saying human bodies because it can be any living being that has a physical body from trees to animals to fish to birds to us, humans. All of our bodies are part of this earth. So as they born and grow with time, they have to be destroyed at a certain point in time to complete the process.

Circle of Life & Death:

In recent days I have given this topic a lot of thought. Since my childhood days I have heard a lot of things about Reincarnation, good deeds and bad deeds, sins etc. And when I grew up I have done a little bit of reading about this topic and found out that no matter what the culture is, the circle of life and death is same.

Many cultures like Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism etc. believe in the idea of Reincarnation. They also have different concept and theories about them too.

The concept goes like this when we die, our soul travels to the world of the dead also called the netherworld. There our good deeds and bad deeds are counted. If we have done more good deed then we can go to heaven and if we have done more bad deed then we will go to hell to get punshied for our sins. We will get tourtured there until we have paid for our sins.

Another concept is like when a bad person dies, that person in the next life will be born as a insect or a bug or some type of hideous creature. Some says being born as a human means someone has commited many sins in the past life, while others considers the human form a blessing. It call comes down to different opinions.

Aftermath of Death:

Based on these concepts so many books have been written so many horror movies have been created. For example demons are form hell, angels are from heaven. Some say after death angels take our soul to heaven and demons take our soul to hell. While others say that a Death/ Grim Reaper comes to take our soul to the Netherworld where we get judged.

I am not going to talk much about what happens after death. Because I simply don’t know and never experienced it.

Below I have shown few examples that show that Reincarantion might be real!

Few Examples of Reincarnation:

1. Feeling you know someone from somwhere

When you meet a person for the fast time, you feel like you know this person or more specifically this person’s soul from somewhere. The concept of soulmate comes from here. It is possible that you were lovers in the past life or loved one another but couldn’t united because of some reason. So in this lifetime you souls crave for each other’s presence.

2. Intuiton working as a past life storage box

Our intuition, it has a spiritual aspect to it. It can be posssible that intuition works as a strorage box of our past expereinces and memories and makes sure we don’t make the same mistakes we made last time. Intuition usually gives us signals about a certain scenario or a person, it does that by comparing the present scenario with past. But there are some instances where you face a situation you never faced yet your gut feeling get activated. It could be possible maybe you haven’t faced the situation in this life but in your previous one.

3. Passion or Hobbies comes from where

Some hobbies or passions come naturally to you as you age, it is possible you wanted to learn it in the past life but couldn’t. So your forces you to learn them in this life time. Or maybe you were so good at them that your soul pushes you to pursue them in this life too, to make you succesful in life. There are some people who calls it their calling. And as they mature they slowly starts to realize it their life’s true purpose.

4. Feeling a connection to a place you never been before

If you visit a new place, you never visted before you feel a connection you can’t explanation with that place. Like you belong there, like every part of that place is trying to jog your momeory, trying to tell you your stories together. Those who love to travel encounters these type of incidents a lot. It can said that maybe not in this life time but in the previous one, you lived or spend significant amount time in that place.

5. Talent could be the biggest proof

Talent and skill has a thin line of difference, though sometimes many use them like they are the same. It is something that you are born with and skill is something that you acquire or learn throughout your life. Now the question here is how can you born with it? Like some has good handwriting or some has a great singing voice, some are great athletes. Maybe it came to you from your past life. If you look closely talent is mostly physical, so it could be possible what you are calling a talent in this life, you learned it as a skill in your past life.


In the end I can only say reincarnation’s existence depends on individual perspectives. Some will always believe it, while others will swiftly reject the idea upon hearing it. I personally think there are some things that could indicate that we born over and over again, everytime taking a new body. I mentioned those things earlier but I also have my doubts. Doubts like why only certain memories and experinces come to us, why not all of them? Is it because our mind doesn’t have the capacity to process all past lives informationn. There are many questions but without answers. I like to think I am a open minded person, so I don’t want to reject the idea especially when there are so many wonders around.

What is your viewpoint on this? Please do share in the comments.

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