Show or series, they are completly different than movies but they are entertaining regardless. Unlike the movies, shows/series take their time to set up the world, establish the characters, build up the drama. With shows/series we connect easily and without us knowing they become a part of our lives. And when they end they leave a void inside of us. That we will never hear the characters voice again, we will never be able to see that world again etc.
Here is the list of top 5 shows:
I love these tv shows, I can re-watch them countless times as I have done in the past. Actually the list could on and on. But I only picked these 5, cause all of them has that one character, who is either overpowered or a rule breaker. I really love these type of characters who set their own rules, mostly because they are unpredictable. If you guys want, you can give the shows a chance. And if you have already watched them, you can tell me your experience on the comments. Or contact me using the ‘contact me’ page.
Show Number – 5: Lucifer

This was the first tv show I had watched. I started watching tv shows on a regular basis during 2020, because of Covid. One day I was scrolling on Youtube when I saw one of it’s trailer. Halfway through the trailer the main character Lucifer grew on me. I actually love characters like him, who are the strongest and can do anything and everything they want. Because then it becomes very interesting to watch what things they will do, the good things or the bad things and their interactions with ordinary people are always entertaining.
The love story between Chloe and Lucifer, Lucifer’s devil face and devil form all were a treat to me until season 5, when lucifer suddenly became a good guy, the angel. That kind of killed the show for me, if the devil becomes an angel then the whole premise will fall apart I believe. Now while I understand that’s the lesson of the show that everybody can change if they want to be, but the change that has been shown on the show I mean from the devil to an angel, that type of change is absurd.
Show Number – 4: The Mentalist

I came across mentalist when I was searching similar tv show’s like Lucifer on Google. Mentalist is a completely different show than Lucifer but for me it was much more interesting. While I have to admit I did not like it in the first watch, I mean can you blame me. Yesterday you were watching the Devil and his lifestyle solving everyday crime and the next you are watching couple of mortals running around solving murders.
But Mentalist is truly an amazing show, the main character Patrick Jane is a mentalist, who has outstanding observational skills, and this mixed with his genius level intellect and people reading skills, who feels like can read minds or the word that has been used on the show ‘Psychic’.
Show Number – 3: The Originals

Like any other popular shows, I had heard about The Vampire Diaries. But I did not watch it because teenagers, high school romance, vampire, not my cup of tea. Then one day I watched the season 1 of TVD trailer and that “hello brother” got to me. I only started it because I found Damon Salvatore a very interesting character. He was until the originals showed up, I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of TVD, after that not so much, mostly because the once rule breaker Damon Salvatore was running around either trying to save a girl or trying to find ways to kill the Originals.
Anyways if I talk about the Originals, I solely started seeing it for Elijah Mikaelson, I never liked Klaus much. But Elijah’s noble stag personality intrigued me. And I have to admit the originals did not disappoint. The characters and storyline were much more mature. Its not like that the Originals does not have weak seasons, many believed after season 3 the shows quality storywise dropped. But one thing that hooked me till the 5th season was the characters, their personality never completly changed for the sake of the story. Their mindset grew with time but they remaied the same monsters they were in season 1.
Show Number – 2: House of the Dragon

I think it is too early to say about House of the Dragon. Because only one season has released and only had 10 episodes. But still this show peaked my interest, more specifically Daemon Targaryen. I saw few times on social media that a prequal show of Game of Thrones is coming but I did not give that much thought.
Until I watch the trailer, DRAGONS, I mean WOW! But more than the dragons, the character Daemon intrigued me. The way he spoke his mind, the way he did what he wanted but his love and instict to protect his family was most adorable to watch.I really enjoyed every episode of season 1 and I should mention that I love House of the Dragon more than Game of Thrones.
P.S. I really wished that Caraxes be more muscular kind of like Meleys but he turned out to be a serpentine shape dragon!
Number – 1 Show: The Blacklist

Now for the number 1 in my list. I mean I can talk about the Blacklist for hours or write page after page. Well if I be frank the show was medicore at best, it was the titular character Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington that I loved to watch, played by none other than James Spader. He brought a chaotic calm attitude to the character that made Reddington very unpredicble and at the same time interesting character to watch.
From the way he dresses to the way he speaks and lastly how amazingly he kills, you can’t take your eyes of from the charater when he is in front of you. Specially spader’s deep voice made that character an absolute menace and his love for the female protagoist of the show Elizabeth Keen earned by respect.
I want to conclude saying that the statement that I used in the title is true. Characters like Patrick Jane helped me to grow my interest in human behaviour and psychology. While Elijah Mikaelson taught me to be a man of my word. On the other hand Raymond Red Reddinton, I am still learning from him. But I think I will never be able to truly take any of his traits. Because he is just there for me to admire. that is why I guess he is number 1.
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