One punch man anime’s first season released back in 2016 and second season released in 2019. A third season was annouced but there is no confirmation yet about its release. But the source material started publishing back in 2009 as a web comic created by the author names One and in 2012 it was illustrated by Yusuke Murata.
One punch man is mainly a parody of Superhero genre so it has to be funny but with fun it also has mind blowing action sequences and some very intriguing characters with complex back stories. The main character of OPM (One Punch Man ) is Saitama. He is an overpowered protagonist so never loses to any of his opponents. But the unfortunate thing is in a world where heroes are worshiped, no body knows about the strongest individual of their world, which is hilarious. The main plot is based around this them is how slowly everyone around the world learns about Saitama.
In two seasons one punch man has only released 24 episodes and couple of OVAs (Original Video Animation). But even in the short time it aired, One punch man introduced most of its characters.
In this post I will rank my favourite characters in One Punch Man, this ranking is mainly based on their personality and ofcourse strength.
Favourite Characters Ranked:

Saitama also known as Caped Baldy (his Hero Name) Rank 39 in Class A, is the protagonist of the story and the strongest character of his universe. He has a goofy, carefree and aloof type of personality but not in a good way. He lets others take credit for his work and doesn’t stand up for himself, which personally I don’t like. But whenever there is trouble on the horizon I look for saitama, after all he will never loose and can defeat anyone. All of his fights are amazing to see, despite knowing that he will win.

Genos a.k.a. Demon Cyborg is an S Class Rank 12 hero. His body is mostly robotic, which comes in handy when he fights powerful enemies because any of his damaged body parts can be replaced with new and better parts. Plus, as a cyborg, he possesses tremendous amount of firepower which can obliterate half of a city. But its not his strength but his loyalty that put him in this list, loyalty towards his master, Saitama. Genos always follows saitama’s words without a question even run everyday errands for his master, which makes him truly adorable. For a guy like Saitama, he is a perfect match as he always has his masters back.

Frankly speaking Fubuki is in this list because she is damn hot, and one of the most beautiful characters in not only the story but in the whole anime world. Moreover she is a psychic, which makes her beauty with brains and her older sister is the strongest esper, Tatsumaki. Fubuki wants Saitama to join her group, after she witnessed his power first hand. She is fixated on the idea if Saitama joins her group nobody can stop the Blizzard group (This is her groups name). Fubuki’s hero name is Blizzard of Hell and she is Rank 1 Class B.
Amai Mask

Amai mask also known as Handsome mask, he is Rank 1 Class A hero. He got is name because he is extremely good looking. Aside from being a hero he also works in a multiple reality shows. One thing he hates is viallin and anything he deems evil, and will kill them on site. Not much is known of him up until now.

Terrible Tornado real name is Tatsumaki, is the strongest esper in the One Punch Man world. Her personality traits include short temperment, impatience and moodiness and who could blame her, afterall she is rank 2 class S. Being the strongest and not having worth opponents or strong allies to spar with can a person irritating. Nonetheless whenver she is on screen she creates some damn funny scenarios and her banter with Saitama is the best. She is also the older sister of Fubuki.

Garou was one of the major antagonist of season 2, he thinks of himself as a monster despite being a human. He is also the former student of Bang aka Silver Fang and expert in martial arts. Garou’s skill was put to display during the end of season 2 where he faced several A and B class heroes while being previously injured and poisoned. If the show ever continues we will get to see more of him.
Speed-O-Sound Sonic

Sonic became my favourite character when I first saw him. He was funny and strong at the same time. And his chemistry with our main character, Saitama is top notch. After their first meeting Sonic swore and he will surpass Saitama one day and became his rival, kind of remind you the Goku and Vegeta rivalry. Sonic unfortunately doesn’t have much of screen time but whatever time was given, he shines in it. Sonic isn’t a hero he is more of a self employed ninja assassin for hire, and works when he likes it, kind of like an anti-hero.
I have to say this list is different than any other list that I have made. In here my least favourite among the favourites is the protagonist himself. And my reason is because Saitama was created as goofy overpowered protagonist clueless about his strength and living his life with go with the flow motto. While all these traits makes him good but also makes him boring. But he is the strongest and the protagonist.
I could have added many more characters but I think these people make the best list. And if they ever join forces that will be a spectacle to behold. Other reasons include they are interesting watch and each of them has their own quirk, they are strong and young so they are more solid fighters.
But the most important reason is Saitama’s influence in all of them, after meeting Saitama they changed. Some changed drastically while others a little but the important thing is they changed. Which is a core component of any store, that is the protagonist’s influence on other characters.
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