Intuition – the greatest sense!

For many years now I have ponder into this concept…..what is Intuiton? how does it work? where does it come from? For most of the things I encounter in my daily life, I have a clear definiton or explanation for them. But with Intuition, its like I make an explanation today and a week or month from now when I will think about it, I have to change the whole explanation because some of the old concepts are not correct anymore and also I found something new during this time. So in this discussion I will try to incorporate all the things that I have figured out until now, if you have something more to add, please let me know in the comment section or you can contact me through this link.

Intuition defined:

It is hard to define the exact meaning of Intuition using only a few words but I will try it. Intuition is a feeling to understand or know something or both without the help of your mind. It involves decisions based on old patterns and past experiences. Most of the time in order to understand something or someone we need the help of our Mind. Same goes for when we try to acquire knowledge, I have discussed about this in here and here.

Different terms same meaning:

If you haven’t heard the term Intuiton you must have heard these terms…..’Gut Feeling’, ‘Sixth Sense’. All of these mean the same thing. Some say Intuition is a spiritual awakening that helps us see future events. While others say it is an instinctual response that comes from repressed memories. In my case I do believe in both. I think as humans, we possess a spiritual side that can’t be explained but only be felt. And the instinctual side that is based on experience because our mind is constantly recording daily events.

So if you ask me Intuition is a feeling as much as it is an instinct. We all have experinced intuiton more or less in our lives. When we are walking on the street, a feeling that someone is following us. While we are not looking yet a feeling that somone is staring at us. If the person in front of us feeling uneasy, or lying to us are few out of a thousand examples.

Intuition or mind’s work:

Now it is very hard to distinguish if all these feeling are coming from our mind or are these Intuition. One sure shot way to find out is, if you get the feeling or the sign for a split second, then it dissapears and does not come again then it is Intuion because it is an instinctual response you will only get it for a particular moment or as a reaction to a certain event. And if it is something that does not dissapear and gives you more signs then it is the work of your mind because the more data our mind get the more it will process it in result the sign or feeling with slowly become clear to us.

The disadvantage with the Intuition is its a split second feeling so if you don’t focus on it at that split second you won’t remember what it was trying to say. And one disadvantage with mind is, it takes its time to give you signs, which in some cases maybe too late for you to react.

Why Intuition is called the Sixth Sense?

Above was the explanation about the terms intuition and gut feeling, now lets talk about why intuiton is called the Sixth Sense?! We all know that we have five basic senses – sight, smell, hearing/sound, touch and taste and we use these five to navigate the world around us. Intuition is called the sixth sense because more often than not we also use it do the same thing like the other five.

The Five Senses and their useage:


Sight is associated with our eyes and it is considered the most important sense. Without our eyes we won’t be able to see the world around us, people that we love or any danger that is in front of us.


Smell is connected with our nose, unfortunately human noses are not that strong. But still in certain situations it can be useful like detecting rotten things, poisonous gas in the air etc. We sometimes identify our closed ones based on their smell bacause each of us have a distinct scent.


It is another important sense associated with ears, I think after the sight, it should be the next important sense. Hearing help us a lot in everyday life, to maintain positive relationship with friends and family, communicating properly with the world. We learn language for communication but if we can’t hear or are unable to understand what the opposite party is saying we will not be able to reply.


We use touch with the help of our skin. Touch is used to identify everyday things that we come in contact with. It alerts us if someting is dangerous for our body or not also touching is sometimes one the positive tools of effective communication. One interesting fact about touch is, it is the largest sensory organ.


Our tongues are connected with the sense of taste. Every living organism needs food to survive. Fortunately there are millions of food source for us on the planet unfortunately for us not all of them are consumable. Here taste comes to play, it tells us if the chosen food is good for our health or poisonous.


All of the above mentioned senses can fail us in many occasions. Our organs are not invincible they can be damanged. For example we all at differnet stages of our lives suffer from eye problems or hearing problems. During fever our noses stop working, many of us can’t feel specific tastes. And lastly certain mental disorders can mess with our sense of touch. But Intuition will never fail us mostly because it is not associaied with any of our organs. It is an internal sense so it can guide us without any mistake if we follow it correctly. So I would recommend you all to trust your Intuition.


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