The mind represents our thoughts while the heart represents our feelings. Mind is much more logical while heart is more about emotions. Over the years many ways have been developed to make the heart and the mind work together, so that we can live a better life. Some say it worked for them, some say it didn’t.
Why both of them are important? because taking our every decision from big to small depends on these two things. If mind says one thing and heart says different thing, then it becomes a problem for us which decision to take. If the decision is insignificant then it does not create much of a problem. But if it is a life changing decision then it becomes very imporant for us that our mind and heart come to a same conclusion.
Not only that but when these two are working together we get a better understanding of our surroundings and the people living around us. In the current scenario where we don’t know who is our friend or who is our enemy, it has become even more important to be aware all the time. If someone is behaving oddly, in order to understand that odd behaviour, we need the help of our mind. While if someone close to us feeling sad, in order to comfort them we need the help of our heart. These are few of the basic examples, there are many more out there.
My Experience:
I am going to share my understading here about how to make them work together. One common link that connect both the heart and the mind is experience. Rather than thinking of them as an organ of our body we need to think of them as a system. The two most imporant system for that matter who are constantly saving information.
Since we are a baby, we start gaining knowledge about our surroudnings using the heart and the mind. Who is our parents, who loves us more, how to manupulate them to do what we want etc. Now I know ‘manupulate’ is a strong word but we do it whenever it serves our purpose. As a baby we do it subconsciously and as an adult we do it consciously. And we save all these information on a regular basis.
As a baby our world was smaller consisting of small group of people. So there was no need to differentiate between the mind and the heart. We used to listen to the one that benefited us the most. But after growing up that world had become vast, and slowly the difference between mind and heart became vast too. And if we only listen to one of them we won’t be able to make reasonable decisions. So for them to work together is very important for us.
Popular Phrases:
I hope all of you have heard the following phrases – ‘listen to you heart’, ‘control your thoughts/mind/emotions or it will control you’ etc. All of them might seem like some trending topics on the internet, and nothing big, but they are important. They just did not appear out of now where. People around the world must face issues regarding these two. That’s why these quotes/lines/phrases whatever you want to call it came into existence.
How to make the Heart and the Mind work together:
Now to make them work together completely depends on the situation you are in, the person you are dealing with, or the decision you have to make. Then based on that situation or decision you have to choose which one of the two, you have to put first.
Heart first then Mind:
For example, If you are dealing with a family member or a loved one, you should put your heart first. Because the basic function of the heart is feelings. Most of the time when we are dealing with a person, feelings take the driver’s seat. And if the person is close to you then you have all the more reason to listen to your heart. Then mind comes into play, based on the decision you take from your heart, you need to give an logical reasoning to that decision, to make that decison all the more solid to yourself. Like when you want to marry someone or propose to someone, letting your children decide their future, being honest with your parents etc.
In these situations your heart knows best if a person is good for you or not, your parent or parents will listen to you or not, your child or children is mature enough to decide their own future or not. Here I should also mention that in these situations listening only to your heart is not right. But if you use your heart and mind together in the correct order, you can avoid the negative outcomes.
Mind first then Heart:
And if you are dealing with career oriented or professional life decisions or workplace choices, you need to use your mind first. Because logical reasoning and analytical judgement is very important in those situations. Situations like hiring someone or firing someone or getting a promotion that both you and your friend wanted but you are the one who got it. Clearly there is a chance you might feel bad, so in that situaiton after listening to you mind and doing the thing that is best for you, finally you can use your heart to make yourself understand why the decision you took or the choice you made was right. And if you use your heart first you won’t be able to take that decision or make that choice which is best for you, because all the feelings will cloud your judgement. You can use the heart later to convice yourself why you had to do that.
I want to conclude saying that if it is personal life decisions put your heart first then mind and if it is professional life decisons put your mind first then heart. In our life we need to make tough choices and choices that are based on feelings. You use too much mind, people will call you a critical or judgemental person. Use too much heart, they will call you emotional or sentimental person. So the balance between the heart and the mind is very important. Above mentioned ways worked and still works for me. One way to know that the process is working for you is by observing how many desions you can take using both your heart and mind equally. [UPDATED ON JUNE 2, 2024]

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