We all dream to achieve success, earn money, fame, power etc. in life. Then why only a few of us achieve these things and become Outstanding, while others they just stay Average for the rest of their lives. First I should clear what I mean to say when I use the word ‘Outstanding’. It means being absolute best in your field or in your line of work. Best player, best writer, best business-man, best actor etc. Like many years later when you are dead people will still remember you for who you were and praise you. People will be inspired by you, want to be just like you. This is what I mean when I use the word ‘Outstanding’.
Why many fails to become Outstanding:
Throughout time many tried to discover the tricks or hacks whatevery you want to call it to become Outstanding. Some were able to find it, while others discovered it to a certain degree but many failed. Those who became Outstanding, they on many occasions tried to share their tricks or hacks with the world. All of their stories were differnt, WHY? I have discussed about it in my earlier blog you can check it out. In short because all of us are different. We grew up different, we think different, we eat different, we talk different, we walk different.
The thing that worked for you may not work for the person next to you, but can work for the person next to him or her. I know it is confusing but that’s who we, humans are. Anyway in order to become Outstanding you need three fundamental things. We all have these three things, we just don’t know how to properly use them. Behind every success story lies these three things. When I will mention them they will sound simple but first finding out these things in you and then working on them and finally using them to your advantage is not easy task. So without further delay……
Three things to become Outstanding:
1. Skillset:
Skill is the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and efficiently in the perfect execution of a task. And skillset is a set of skills. For every field of work, there is a particular skill set. Without the skillset you won’t be able to perform even the basic tasks in your field.
Now we all have to make a living by doing something. So every one of us acquire skillset for their respective fields. But the problem is many of us don’t truly understand or grasp those skills completly. They just learn it to go by in their field or work. One of the major reason this happens because most of us don’t like what we do. We just do them to earn a sufficient sum of money and to provide for our family. I mentioned it in another blog of mine. That is why most of us stay average at our profession or job. So the very first thing any of us should do, is choose a field that we are interested in and learn everything to know about that field regardless of what that field is.
For example, if you want become a vlogger on youtube you need to learn how to make videos in the first place. Not just videos but eye catching videos so that once someone sees them they would want to see more of your videos and for that they will subscribe to your channel because you hooked them with your videos . Now for that you need a complete skill set to make that type of video. Any normal video won’t attract any viewers and your channel will stay Average.
2. Consistency:
Consisteny means doing something regularly and in the same way for as long as you live, without skipping or quitting. Now if we complete the first stage and acquire the required skill set, performing it for as long as you live is no easy task. I bet even when you are read the line “as long as you live” you thought this is absurd or I am out of my mind but it is not.
First of all, success does not come easily and after sheading a lot of sweat, tears and doing a lot of hard work when we get success we stop being consistent. This is why after being best we do not become the absolute best or as the word I used ‘Outstanding’. Number 1 position is not easy to reach and maintaining it is even harder and even after becoming number 1 you can still reach greater heights because at that time the competition is with yourself. That is what Outstanding people did and still do. Rest, enjoyment after becoming best is not an option for Outstanding people.
Now before becoming number 1 you gotta work hard to reach that postion. Many of us quit at this stage because in the face of failure or when things don’t seem like moving, we quit. Frankly speaking I feel like quitting right now, I thought if i start a blog many people would read it and appreciate it. But this is not the case it is like I am not moving. But quitting that is not my thing. Moving when you are down with the weight of stagnation is one of the basic characteristics of Outstanding people and my motto. I discussed about it in my second last blog, you can check it out.
3. A bit of Luck:
Last but not least is Luck. I wish I didn’t have to include it but it is as true as the air we breath. Many Outstanding people admit it, many does not, their choice.
The worst thing is, you don’t know if you have it or not. And if you don’t have it, there is no way to acquire it. It is a supernatural thing but it is there that is why only few of us become legends and others they also become something but not legends. All those lines about hard work beats luck and other lines like this (can’t remember other lines right now) are bullshit. If that would have been the case then those who work 16 18 hours a day become internet sensation or headlines of the news.
But I also want to include just because of this, we shouldn’t stop, we should go on and on. And who knows if we have luck or not until we start doing the first two things in the list.
I want to conclude by saying we owe it ourselves to atleast try to become the absolute best. I mean we came into this world, spend years and then someday will die and nobody will know who we were, this is not fair. After all we are the heros or heroines of our story, the story which is called life. So we should live like heros and heroines not like supporting characters in the back ground. And in order to be the hero or heroine we have to become Outstanding beucause no hero or heroine is Average. [Updated on July 3,2024]

Thank you for staying until the end!
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