When You Get An Educational Degree
Tell me why do you get a degree? To become knowledgeable or arrogant? People who have a lot of qualifications or higher qualifications like PhD, master’s, etc. tend…
4 min read
Do Superstitions Control Our Lives?
Every day before going to sleep, I pray to god and then sit for a couple of seconds and finally lie down. It seemed to have an effect…
4 min read
Why Are We Attracted To Bad Boys But Marry Nice Guys?
On our way to the zoo, we see a cat on the street. We don’t pay much attention. In the zoo, we see a tiger, and are fascinated…
4 min read
Destination Is More Important Than The Journey
Without the destination how will you start your journey? Destination can be anything for anyone. For you, it may be your dream or goal or something that your…
4 min read
After One Year Of Working Out, I Found Out These Facts
Do you see a lot of online physical transformation videos? And think that you can change your body in 3 to 6 months? If yes then don’t start…
4 min read
How Many Faces Do You Have?
There is a Japanese belief that we humans have three faces. The world sees the first face. Our family and close friends see the second face. And then…
4 min read