Before starting I just want to say that I never thought I would one day discuss about Game of Thrones. It has been more than 4 years since I started watching T.V. shows, and avoided this series. Mostly because I was never interested in Drama series. If you have read this post you will know what type of entertainment genre I like.
So why now?…..first and foremost because the appreciation and support you showed for my previous post, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I thought why not this week I talk about its predecessor (in reality GoT events happened after HotD) but I am talking about release year wise. If I go back even further, when we used to watch shows on the actual Television. I remember seeing advertisements of this show during ad breaks, I am talking about year 2013 2014.
So what got me interested in this show, it was year 2020 I just started watching T.V. shows. And I loved this series on Netflix ‘the Witcher’ starring Henry Cavill. Back then Witcher only had one season and that too consisted of 8 episdoes. So as usual I search on Google ‘similar shows like Witcher’ and GoT came as a recommendation. Previously I heard it had dragons so I thought why not give it a shot and I am glad I did. First 3 seasons I did not like very much, they were icy but from season 4 it was fire.
Game of Thrones Trivia:
In this disccussion I will reveal my Top 5 Game of Thrones moments. Surely this series is full of goosebumps and heartbreaking moments, but this 5 moments hit me the most. Little bit of trivia, Game of Thrones ran from 2011 to 2019 on HBO consisting of 8 seasons and a total of 73 episodes. GoT’s budget for this first season was 60 million U.S. dollars (6 million dollars per episode). And by the time it reached its final season each episode was costing around 15 million U.S. dollars. It is written by George R. R. Martin.
Top 5 Game of Thrones Moments:
5. Cersei Kills the High Sprarrow:

I am no fan of Cersei, but this scene has to be here, the way this whole incident was executed I have to say Iron throne truly belongs to the women of Westeros. Cersei not only took her revenge from high sparrow but at the same time destroyed the whole Tyrell bloodline whom she hated. The blast, the moment before the blast when that man (don’t remember his name, but he was Cersei’s cousin) tried to blow the candle off to stop the explosion, and that High Sprarrow standing right above the bombs, it was mind blowing.
4. Robb Stark death:

It was traumatic for me not because half the Stark clan got assassinated in a single night but specifically the way the paraded Robb Stark. Like Arya, I was also heartbroken. I mean they killed the Dire Wolf and put his head on Robb Stark’s body……very disturbing. They say that Red Wedding of Game of Thrones is the most brutal scene and I agree with it.
Other than this particular moment I don’t recall anything that stuck with me from the Red Wedding. I mean from the beginning I did not like Catelyn Stark because the way she treated Jon Snow. And Robb Stark was a fool for going to that wedding knowing that his relation with Walder Frey is not good. In short like all starks he is not fit to be a king… offence to the stark supporters. But I persoanally love Arya among the stark children. She was really bad ass and kept her word till the end and by herself, annihalated the whole frey clan….respect.
3. Battle of Bastards:

In every other website if you seach top battles in Game of Thrones, you will see battle of bastards ranks first, but for me it does not. Mostly because it wasn’t a battle, I mean you can literally see how outnumbered Jon Snow was against the Bolton army. But the way this battle was filmed, the first person camera shots, you will feel like you are in the middle of the battle field and when at the end it seemed like Jon Snow might not survive this and the army of Vale rescues him which was brought by Sansa was satisfying, that finally that useless no gooder woman did something good. And in the end finally Ramsey Bolton paid for all his sins by the teeths of his own pets.
2. Oberyn vs. Mountain:

Hard to pin point from where should I start. Okay let’s start from the end, I never thought after taking so much damange and falling onto the ground the Mountain can get back up and will be able to gouge oberyn’s eyes and crush his skull. But that is exactly what he did, I think Oberyn should have ended his life before starting blabber about his dead sister, he had plenty of time for that later. But I guess like many of us, he never thought that the Mountain would have that much strength left. Overall I would say I respect Oberyn for what he did, he stood by Tyrion’s side when nobody else did and decided to fight on behalf of him.
1. Battle of Winterfell:

The greatest battle of Game of Thrones, which has been anticipated from the very first episode, the living vs the dead. Also known as The Long Night, when it finally premired I heard that many people complained how dark it was. Personally I do not have much problem with the lighting. Afterall it was a clever decision to make the audience uncomfortable so that they can connect with the characters more.
The beginning of the war was great, then during the war it was edge of your seat feeling. But I have to say I was slightly dissapointed how things ended. Not because Arya get to killed the Night King but because of the way it was executed. I was expectinng more of an epic face off between the other great warriors and the Night King. Otherwise this war was great. 2 Dragons showering the battle field with fire, Dothraki and Unsullied army from Daenerys Targaryen’s side. And the whole North, the remaining members of the Nights Watch and the army of Vale from Jon snow’s side was a treat for a guy who loves action. And the beginning moment right before the dead jumped the soldiers, that silence was literally making me anxious.
I would like to include few honourable mentions. They did not make it to the Top 5 but you guys might like these moments……Ned starks execution, Tyrion killing his lover and his father, Jon snow’s murder, Arya poisoning the entire Frey clan and killing little finger, Joffery’s death ( Most satisfying death for me in the whole series), Jaime’s reaction to Daenerys on Drogon and her Dothraki army.
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