HBO hit series House of the Dragon is currently airing on every Sunday at 9pm (ET/PT). Every social media platforms are filled with differnet videos, reels, shorts and images from both on screen and off screen House of the Dragon moments. Different hastags are trending on Twitter(X). I should mention I am also particiapting in this, aftertall HBO is doing such a great job, why not praise their work.
For the last three weeks I was making posts based on this series and its sequel series Game of Thrones. There is so much to discuss and now that I have my own platfrom I can share it with all of you. By the way thank you for showing support to my previous posts, they are being a great hit. And if you are new to my website, here are the links:
Season 1 at one glance, Dance of the Dragons, Game of Thrones.
Now let’s come to today’s topic, on July 7 the battle of Rook’s Rest was premired and I thought this is a good time to create this list. In this list I will rank dragons according to their size and strength, In the world of Fire and Blood dragons keep growing until the day they die. The biggest dragon ever was Balerion the Black Dread, rode by Aegon the Conqueror during his conquest. But during the Targaryen civil war which is also known as the Dance of the Dragons, Balerion was already dead.
Those who have been following my House of the Dragon posts already know I am fasciatanted by these creatures and I can talk about them for atleast a day. And whenever I come across some new information I try share it with you all.
One interesting facts about these creatures are, there are three types of dragons in House of the Dragons – War dragons, Fighting dragons and Riding dragons. 17 dragons participated in the Dance but only 6 of them were more than 100 years old. Now without further delay lets jump into the rankings…..
Dragons ranked according to their size and strength:
7. Arrax

Arrax was the weakest dragon we met. He was the ride of Lucerys Velaryon, aged somewhere between 10 to 15 years old. Arrax was almost five times smaller than Vhagar. He fought the biggest dragon in the world, Vhagar in a fight above Shipbreaker Bay became the first casualties of the Dance.
6. Moondancer

Despite being the smallest dragon at the time of the civil war, Moondancer was fierce. During the end days of the Dance Moondancer fought with Sunfyre. At sky Moondancer had the upper hand, but then both of the dragon falls on the ground that results in her death. She was the mount of Baela Targaryen. Moondancer had green scales and she was quick both in the air and on the ground.
5. Sunfyre

Sunfyre’s size pales in comparison to the older dragons found in Westeros. And he certainly lacks combat skills but makes up for it with his beautiful appearance. Because of his golden-scaled look, he is known as Sunfyre the Golden. Sunfyre was considered the most beautiful dragon who ever existed. He received grievous injuries during his battle with Meleys and more injuries in his battle with Moondancer in Fire & Blood, these injuries led him to his death. Aegon ll rode him during the Dance.
4. Syrax

Syrax is the mount of Rhaenyra and is known for being much larger and stronger than other dragons its age. Though she is not as big as Meleys or Caraxes but still fearsome on her own rights. Rhaenyra claimed her when she was a little girl and has been her only rider. She is named after a Valryian goddess. She has green eyes and yellow scales. During the Dance Syrax was 30 years old.
3. Meleys

Meleys is among the strongest dragons in Westeros. She is also known as the Red Queen, because of the scarlet scales and pink membranes on her wings. She was born decades before King Viserys Targaryen and ruled the skies alongside Vhagar and Caraxes during the reign of King Jahaerys I. While not the largest dragon, Meleys is still bigger than the other dragons who appeared before her in this list, and she’s fast, faster than both Caraxes and Vhagar and also she is a ferocious fighter. Her last rider was Rhaenys Targaryen.
2. Caraxes

Caraxes is known as the Blood Wyrm, he has a considerable size, ferocious demeanor and serpentile apperance. He is the one who killed Vhagar while being only half her size, however he died moments later because of wounds inflicted on him by Vhagar. Strong and terrifying to behold, he had a red body, cunning mind, red scales and an elongated neck with yellow eyes. He and his rider Daemon Targaryen are made for each other as both of them has so much in common.
1. Vhagar

Vhagar is the world’s largest known dragon. As one of the three dragons used by Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters to take over the Seven Kingdoms, Vhagar is more than 150 years old. While Smaller than her deceased siblings, Balerion and Meraxes, Vhagar is still the biggest and oldest dragon during the Dance. A member of the original trio that conquered Westeros, Vhagar has been in more battles than any other dragon. Young Aemond targaryen claimed her.
In conclusion I would like to mention I have only included those dragons, whom we have seen in action. There were obviously other dragons involved in the Dance. But till the last episode, we haven’t seen those dragon’s full apperance or it has been quite some time since we last saw them. And I need to see their current bodies to put them in this list. I don’t want to assume anything so I haven’t included them. Hopefully in later seasons we will get to see more of these dragons (Vermithor, Dreamfyre, Vermax, Seasmoke etc.)
If you have any new information or want something to suggest please comment or contact me. I am always eager to know your opinion.
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