Our connection with Anime’s Two most popular characters
You must have heard about the name Goku at least once in your life if you ever watched cartoons. And if you watch anime then the name Goku should be clear to you as the name of the Sun and the Moon.
Goku, Dragon Ball are the grandfathers’ of Shonen genre. And if you dig little deeper you will definitely find the name Vegeta. Goku’s once arch enemy turned rival-friend. After this duo was introduced back in the 90’s, every anime particularly Shonen started having a protagonist like Goku and a deuteragonist like Vegeta who will have a rivalry.
I am hoping you know the dynamic between these two characters Goku and Vegeta. But if you don’t let me say in short. Vegeta hates Goku guts because Goku is talented Vegeta is not. What Goku can achieve at ease (not exactly at ease, but Vegeta thinks that), takes Vegeta years to achieve.
In this article I will try to prove to you why we are more like Vegeta and not like Goku.
Similarities with Vegeta
Some would admit it while others won’t but we are jealous of something including me. In my particular field I have to be the best number one I can’t stand anyone taking take place for me. And if someone does I am jealous of him or her.
Vegeta is jealous of Goku, because he gets to shine every time while he stays a side character. Story wise it is unavoidable for him as he is a side character but in actual world we all feel like him.
Superiority Complex
Do you ever feel like you know more than the people around you? Do you earn more than your fellow people? Your lifestyle is far better? Some people who are rub it on others faces and receive criticism while few of us try to help who are less fortunate than us. But be it a billionaire or just a common man, feeling of superiority helps us sleep. I feel it many times a day. Do I show it? NO.
Vegeta is the price of all Saiyans, son of a king. He is always seen talking about his Saiyan pride. While Goku is the son of a soldier. So just think how much humiliating it would be for him to realize he is inferior to a common blood.
Natural vs Earned
This one is very common. Some people are naturally better than others. More good looking, more intelligent, more muscular, smooth communicator, fearless etc. compared to us. This is a very common saying
A guy goes to gym and build a body that took his friend 3 years to build
It’s common the friend has to work more and the guy has to less. More than jealousy that friend will either pray or curse god for not giving him those extraordinary genes. Same goes for when your naturally good looking friend take the girl/boy you like.
There could be many examples but I hope I proved my point. We all want to possess natural abilities so that we don’t have to work for it. Because deep down we hate the work but love the result. I had faced this issue many times in my life when I was faced with a person who was better than me.
Goku is a natural fighter and he can get naturally stronger. While Vegeta has to work hard to get stronger but he cannot get half as strong as Goku. It is a hard for anyone to admit that someone is better you.
Not showing every Small Emotion
Some of us are very emotional while others are not. Regardless when we are in the public we limit our emotional outbursts be it positive or negative for various reasons. One reason for doing it to avoid getting criticize by people because You know people will judge you if you scream or cry in public.
I am not matter the circumstances calm quiet and composed in public.
That is why back in the people used to break up in public places to avoid this outbursts. But nowadays not a sincere explanation just one day you wake up and can’t see their profile on anymore.
Vegeta like us, is very selective of his emotions that he shows in public. I think two people who has seen most of his emotions are Bulma (his wife) and Goku.
Caring and Willingness to anything for Closed Ones
Have you ever went our your way to do something for your loved one? It can be anyone mother father siblings lover. You don’t need to answer, we all have done it and we should. Otherwise how would we express our deep feelings for our closed ones.
Sometimes we do it because we want to, sometimes our body automatically starts doing it without the mind’s commands.
Vegeta doesn’t like to admit but he would do anything for this family and closed friends and followers. I have many examples. One when he careless went up against Beerus the destroyer god, just because he slapped Vegeta’s wife Bulma. Another one is when he punch his son Trunks unconscious to save him from Majin Buu. He helped Cabba (his disciple) coupled of times in Dragon Ball Super.
In conclusion I would like to say one thing that I did not put as a point because it didn’t need an explanation which is Vegeta’s determination to surpass Goku one day. We all have that a goal, an objective that we want to achieve. This must be the most effective and common link that connects Vegeta with us.
many of you grew up watching and idiolizing Goku and I am sure when you entered you teenage years you felt similarities with Vegeta too. I felt connection with him when I first saw him (in Cell saga, yes I started in the middle of the series) and the rest is history.
I admire Goku, for what he has achieved over the years by his own is nothing less than amazing. But somehow he always felt too big to compare myself with.
Thank you for staying until the end!
I really hope you enjoyed the article.
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